Episode 91

91 Making More Sales Without Creating Fresh Content

Published on: 4th December, 2023

High-quality content is a great way to create a digital presence, but it can feel like you're on a never ending treadmill at times.

In this episode, I share various ways to make sales WITHOUT constantly creating fresh content.

That way, you can keep circling around your core messages become an authority in your niche.

Enjoy :-)



πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.

I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.

Here are three ways to work with me:

#1 Bespoke 1:1 Mentoring
Goal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.

#2 The Tutors' Mastermind
The leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.

#3 The Training Jukebox
A growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.


Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.

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About the Podcast

Upgrade Your Education Business

Each week, Sumantha shares fluff-free actionable ideas for education businesses who want to grow their businesses on their terms. 

Whether it’s marketing, turning ideas to income or wellbeing, each episode is designed to inspire you to take action that you can mould to suit your needs. 

Sumantha has been delivering training to large and medium sized businesses for 17+ years. As a teacher-turned-tutor, she now focuses on supporting education businesses. Outside of this, Sumantha delivers training to organisations and UK-based school trusts. For more information, visit www.UpgradeYourEducationBusiness.com

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